Episode 76. Tick…tock…Time to upgrade to Java 11!

It’s coming! If you have been using Oracle Java 8, you should know that starting on January 2019 we will have to get an oracle license for running Oracle’s JDK in production. OR, if you want to keep using Oracle Java (or OpenJDK) for free, and still receive security updates, then you gotta move to 11!

In this episode we have no other than @DrDeprecator itself giving us a tour on what are the less-known changes (and goodies) that are coming when upgrading from 8 to 11. We go through most of the JEPs that usually don’t make the news but are actually pretty awesome!

So take a listen, and start downloading the new Java 11!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

We also thank Stuart Marks a.k.a. Dr Deprecator for joining us in this episode (do follow him!)

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Java Off Heap

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and @fguime and @bobpaulin


Episode 59. A Ghostbuster Reboot? Time to talk about those streams again!

Yeah, today Streams might seem like old news, but you know what? It’s worth revisiting and discovering what we didn’t know from before. In this episode, Bob, Michael, and I come back to revisit Streams and share what was good, bad (and evil) of them. Including some great trivia on default implementations (a weird Java 8 feature). If you have started to use streams, but not sure if they make sense, or if you are about to dive into them, take a listen! The perspective is great!


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Java Off Heap

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Episode 43. Don’t cross the Streams (Streams in Java 8)

So now we deep dive into what the “Real” advantages of Java 8 are :). The lambdas were just a head-fake (to quote Randy Pausch), the real meat is all the support that was brought because of lambdas, most importantly Streams. Streams are now pervasive in Java 8, and thanks to the way it was implemented is mostly backwards compatible! Oh boy, take a listen to start really tapping into the power of Lambdas and Java 8!

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Episode 42. Oh Lambda, Lambda, Lambda (no Omega Muu)

Lambdas… You have heard about it, it’s like those celebrities that are everywhere (Tom Selleck). Well, is time to go and actually meet the great start. In this episode, me (Freddy) and Bob go deep into Lambdas, what they really are (are they magical?) and why would you want to use them. So Join in and let’s listen to the most awaited feature of Java 8!
(And yes, the title is a reference to the “Revenge of the Nerds”, how appropriate isn’t it 🙂
Oracle Lambda Tutorial


Episode 41. Ah, Java 8 (and what it brings) + Streams and OSGI

And we are ramping up again! This is an exciting time to be developing in Java. With the advent of Java 8, lambdas, streams, Jigzaw and the Internet of Things, we are coming back big! In this episode we introduce our co-host Bob Paulin, and offer a glimpse of Java 8, Jigsaw, Streams, and OSGI Standard.


Twitter! (@fguime)
And @Bobpaulin

Ah, beer, it’s April, and we just finished taxes ($!)

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