
Episode 100. To the CLOUD… Which one? All of them!

Yeah! so we have been working with the cloud for a while, terms like K8s, EC2, Route53, BlobData, CLI has been swinged around… and is a little mysterious, and sometimes looks like a black box where you just click buttons, add things, type commands, until it finally something good happens. But if something bad happens, we tend not to have the slightest idea on why!

Never fear, on this episode of PubHouse we start from the very beginning on describing (And dismantling) what the “Cloud” really is… Starting on how we got there, what are the different “components” of most clouds, and how to reason about them.

This way, the next time something unpredictable happens, you will know exactly where to start troubleshooting and how to navigate this space! This is the first episode of a series (probably a series of 2) on Cloud technologies. So if you never been exposed to the cloud and you’re curious, or even if you’ve been working on it but everything sounds mysterious, then dive in!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Intro to AWS

What is Elastic Load Balancing

What is Amazon Route 53

EC2 vs ECS vs Lambda

Intro to Azure Fundamentals

Azure Containter Registry

Azure Compute

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Episode 60. All your Containers Are Belong to Us (An intro to Docker)

So you have heard about it, and probably ran into it already. Docker is a super cool tech that let us create / manage and deploy applications (It is really what would come out if Devs and Ops decided to have a kid). Come hear how you can too master the art of Docker, and more importantly why is it so “accepted” and revered.

A Big Thanks to LaunchDarkly for sponsoring our podcast! Feature flagging is easy, feature flag management is hard. What LaunchDarkly has done is essentially take a system like Google or Facebook has made in-house and bring this to the masses. With features like percentage rollouts, audit logging, and flag statuses, teams have complete control over features at scale. When you effectively separate business logic from code, you can build better software, faster without the risk

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Java Off Heap


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