Episode 105. Neurons, AI, and LLMs
Allright, it is time to pull the curtain on all this AI stuff and really learn how it works! On this episode we dive deep into AI, and Neural Networks, refinenements, vector databases (and why we need them) so you can understand the underlying principles of AI and LLM! The field is so vast, intersting...
Latest Episodes
Episode 104. It’s all about Apache Tika, the project that lets you index EVERYTHING.
So we continue to have guests in our show to talk to us about interesting things… This time is about Apache Tikka. This is an incredible tool to do...
Episode 103. Let’s share data cross-language with Apache Arrow! (among other things)
We have a great time talking to Matt Topol from Voltron Data on one of his Apache Software Foundation projects called Apache Arrow. It’s both a spec and implementation...
Episode 102. Oh my… Spring Boot 3 is out! An interview with Dan Vega from the Pivotal Team!
Ok, so it’s an incredible time to be in the Java Ecosystem, and one of the biggest frameworks out there just dropped their three-point-oh version! That’s right! So Spring...
Episode 101. Allright, let’s talk about Kafka
Whew! So we took a big break over summer (like Bob said, we were just swamped with work.. oof), but we are BACK! and like always we are ready...
Episode 100. To the CLOUD… Which one? All of them!
Yeah! so we have been working with the cloud for a while, terms like K8s, EC2, Route53, BlobData, CLI has been swinged around… and is a little mysterious, and...
Episode 99. SHHH! It’s a secret! (Storing API Keys / Passwords / tokens!)
Ok, so is time to talk about something secretive! Like API Passwords, Auth tokens, or keys… these are things that we want to have as a Secret within our...
Behind The Mic

Freddy Guime
Programmer, amateur musician. Always interested in how software work, and what makes it tick. Loves performance, multi-threading and exploring new and exciting user interfaces.

Bob Paulin
Thinker-doer. Consultant. Apache Software Foundation Member, Contributor to Apache Tika and Apache Felix. Always looking for the best solution to a consulting problem.
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The (what we consider) best Tutorial Java Podcast out there
JavaPubHouse started with the simple premise of being a tutorial podcast for professional developers and serious enthusiasts. We distinguish ourselves from other “Learn Java” podcasts because we talk about real issues that happen when learning technologies.
Have you ever wondered why you need the “equals/hashcode” contract? or why do (by default) need to be thread safe when using Spring Beans? These questions are answered in all the encompassing episodes on this site.
The best part is that this podcast gathers a very wide audience, not just in the U.S. but across the globe. So come join the fun and start listening to a podcast that’s way different than those that are out there!