Episode 83. Hey! Your app needs its yearly HealthCheck as well!
You got your new project, it’s a brand new service, and is ready to go! But… have you done a health check endpoint for your app? In this day and age of microservices with auto-remediation and auto-scaling, having a well-behaved, functioning health-check is very important since it dictates when to evict, scale up (or down) your service.
And the great news is, that for the “bigger” frameworks (like Spring or Microprofile) the work is almost done for us! With Spring Boot Actuator and Microprofile, we have tons of support and annotations, and built-in healthchecks for the main “things”, like database connectivity, Message Queue connectivity, even Email settings!.
So don’t put it off…start listening to this podcast, and then start creating that oh-so-needed health check for your app! Also, stay tuned to this episode as we give a “hint” of new podcast series to come!
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We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
We also thank OverOps for sponsoring this podcast episode

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool NewsCast! Java Off Heap
- Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints
- Microprofile Health
- Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints
- Tutorial on Spring Boot Actuator (Including Health)
- Custom Health Check Spring
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