Month: March 2019

Episode 82. Uh-oh Spring… you got some serious competition from Micronaut!

So the internet is all raging about this (not so little) framework that is doing it all. Created with a “cloud-first” mentality, @Micronautfw is aiming to be your next Spring Boot! And, oh gosh, how easy they are making it.

We dive into what makes Micronaut such a darling of the internet right now (not using reflection, GraalVM ready, better memory consumption) and see how much “stuff” is in there (the TLDR; A Lot). We go from creating a microservice, to looking at the different already-implemented features like circuit breakers, properties/profiles, beans, support for lambdas, micrometer, reactive programming, and all. While it might not have “everything” that Spring does, the reality is that it’s pretty solid.

Would you consider Micronaut for your next project? The answer is maybe (and for some cases, maybe Yes). So come, and take a listen to the underdog framework (Micronaut) that’s stepping up to definitively take the reigning Champ (Spring)

FOLLOW US JavaPubHouse on twitter! Where we will be sharing new tech news, and tutorials!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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We also thank OverOps for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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Episode 81. Let’s Dive into a cool magical library that makes Java way less verbose!

Ah, Project Lombok is one of those little gems in the Java Ecosystem. But it’s interestingly controversial! Some will love it (as I do), others will hate it! But no matter which camp you land on, you should at least know about it!

Project Lombok allows you to, quite easily create your equals/hashcode method, or create a builder pattern for your class, or even generate your getters/setters. All while just adding a simple annotation to your class. How does it do it? (hint. It’s preprocessing bytecode magic) But holy cow, when used responsibly, Lombok allows you to write so little code for a ton of cases. So come take a look at why this library is powerful (and learn its benefits, and as importantly, its pitfalls)

FOLLOW US JavaPubHouse on twitter! Where we will be sharing new tech news, and tutorials!

We also have been revamping our site so go there, take a look, listen to old episodes, or search them!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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And Follow us! @javapubhouse and @fguime and @bobpaulin