
Episode 83. Hey! Your app needs its yearly HealthCheck as well!

You got your new project, it’s a brand new service, and is ready to go! But… have you done a health check endpoint for your app? In this day and age of microservices with auto-remediation and auto-scaling, having a well-behaved, functioning health-check is very important since it dictates when to evict, scale up (or down) your service.

And the great news is, that for the “bigger” frameworks (like Spring or Microprofile) the work is almost done for us! With Spring Boot Actuator and Microprofile, we have tons of support and annotations, and built-in healthchecks for the main “things”, like database connectivity, Message Queue connectivity, even Email settings!.

So don’t put it off…start listening to this podcast, and then start creating that oh-so-needed health check for your app! Also, stay tuned to this episode as we give a “hint” of new podcast series to come!

FOLLOW US JavaPubHouse on twitter! Where we will be sharing new tech news, and tutorials!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DataDog Logo

We also thank OverOps for sponsoring this podcast episode

OverOps Logo
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool NewsCast! Java Off Heap

Do you like the episodes? Want more? Help us out! Buy us a beer!

And Follow us! @javapubhouse and @fguime and @bobpaulin

Episode 74. Unit and…Integration Tests, JaCoCo, Docker and Coverage (and more!)

In this episode we interview Janine Patterson on her talk of “Integration Test Coverage with JaCoCo” and dive into the nuances of Units vs Integration tests. We dive into Gherkin sentences as we use Cucumber, and challenges of integration tests (hint… use Docker). We also dive into the best way to execute these (Spring Runner). In all, if you were interested in upping your integration testing game, this is the one episode to listen to!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode


We also thank Janine Patterson for joining us in this episode (do follow her!)

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool NewsCast!
Java Off Heap


Do you like the episodes? Want more? Help us out! Buy us a beer!

And Follow us! @javapubhouse

Episode 69. All I want for Xmas is a million requests per second (Jmeter!)

So it’s the holidays and now we are winding down the year. Even so, sometimes this is the best time to actually do some performance testing. And there’s no better (foss) tool to do so than JMeter! Come and let’s dive into how to use JMeter for those stress and performance testing that needs to get done (you’re doing stress tests right?)

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast!
Java Off Heap

Do you like the episodes? Want more? Help us out! Buy us a beer!

And Follow us!
@fguime and @bobpaulin


Episode 54. Bug Hunt! (The essential skills of the great Debugger)

As a developer, we probably spend most of our time figuring out what went wrong. Debugging really an art, and we sometimes get intimidated by it. Well, if you ever found a bug that has trying to scare you, never fear! Bob and I walk through how to become a master debugger and just Zap those bugs away!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our NewsCast Java Off Heap


We thank Hazelcast for sponsoring the show! If you need a distributed implementation of the Java collections, no need to look further than Hazelcast!

Twitter! (@fguime) (thanks!)

Man, summer is over! As our side of the earth tilts away from the sun, how about keeping us warm and comfy by sending us a beer?

Episode 34. New Year’s (2013) Resolution! Less bugs and more coverage!

Episode 34. New Year’s (2013) Resolution! Less bugs and more coverage!

Ok, so we all celebrated (but may not remember) the end of the old year and the beginning of a new year! This is a time for starting new things, and trying to be a little better. How about starting by looking at our code and squish some bugs! By using findbugs we can easily test for the ‘duh’ (and some not so duh) bugs quickly by looking and automatically analyzing our code. After adding Findbugs, we can then add Emma, which will look and measure our unit test code coverage (if you are into such a thing). These two tools are like the Richard Simmons that let us lose the unwanted bug weight in this new year!
If you just joined us, remember to follow me on Twitter! (@fguime)


Beer of the Episode: Anchor Brewing’s Liberty Ale
|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Anchor Brewing's Liberty Ale
|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|

Hey it’s winter (and not too many reasons to be outside, so might as well stay home and drink a few!) If you like what you hear, treat me a beer ! 🙂 (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂

|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Anchor Brewing's Liberty Ale
|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|

Tweet, Tweet! (https://twitter.com/#!/fguime)
Findbugs Ant (check out the excludeFilter attribute to include/exclude stuff
Emma User’s Guide (2.3 is what we discussed in the podcast!)

Vote for us in iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/java-pub-house/id467641329)
Questions, feedback or comments! comments@javapubhouse.com

Subscribe to our podcast! (http://javapubhouse.libsyn.com/rss)
ITunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/java-pub-house/id467641329)
Java 7 Recipes book! (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1430240563/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&tag=meq-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1430240563)
Hey! if you like what you hear, treat me a beer! (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Z8V2ZWV93UMW4


Episode 10. Testing, Testing, 1.2.3! (All about Unit Testing, And Dependency Injection)

For those Unit Testers out there (and those who want to do more unit tests), this podcast is for you! We cover JUnit in general, and explain how to shoe-in unit tests in current (and legacy code). We talked about Dependency Injection (and the Concern of Creation), and Mocking (what it is, and how is it used). In all, if you ever wondered why creating unit tests in your current code is hard, or why are people talking about Dependency Injection (DI), come in, and listen!

Questions, feedback or comments!comments@javapubhouse.com

Subscribe to our podcast! (http://javapubhouse.libsyn.com/rss)
ITunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/java-pub-house/id467641329)
Java 7 Recipes book! (http://www.amazon.com/Java-7-Recipes-Problem-Solution-Approach/dp/1430240563)