
Episode 61. Let’s go retro with JaxB/Xml/XSD and Soap! (JSR-222)

It’s not the “cool kid” anymore, but it sure is everywhere! If you ever generated an xml file from a java class (or have created a java class from a definition) you have been using Jaxb! And if you have used for some time, you can see that Jaxb sometimes works, and other times…well. Come take a listen and understand what’s happening under the covers! And how you can make JAXB, oh well, “behave!”.


A Big Thanks to LaunchDarkly for sponsoring our podcast! Feature flagging is easy, feature flag management is hard. What LaunchDarkly has done is essentially take a system like Google or Facebook has made in-house and bring this to the masses. With features like percentage rollouts, audit logging, and flag statuses, teams have complete control over features at scale. When you effectively separate business logic from code, you can build better software, faster without the risk

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Java Off Heap


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Episode 52. Of JavaEE, Inter-Tubes, and Socket

So let’s try to understand this Java EE World, shall we? Going from the very basic request, we unravel the magic that a Java EE Container creates. When we see the tricks behind the wall, it suddenly looks a lot like SE with some sprinkled web stuff on top! If you want to really know what happens every time you go to a browser and type http://, you should hear this podcast!

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We thank Codeship for being a Sponsor of the show! Need Continuous Delivery made simple? Check! And use code JAVAPUB20 for a 20% discount!

We also thank Hazelcast for sponsoring the show! If you need a distributed implementation of the Java collections, no need to look further than Hazelcast!


Twitter! (@fguime) (thanks!)

Ok, so now is allergy season, and I heard beer with honey is good for you. Or better yet, beer made of honey (Mead!)

Episode 51. Spring is in the air! What better than to talk about The Spring Framework and Spring Beans

If you stepped into the Java EE world, you must have run into Spring. There is Spring XD, Spring Batch, Spring everything-under-the-sun. Sometimes we keep using it as a rut, but today we take a look at Spring (and Spring Core) with a new set of eyes and learn the real reason for Spring Beans. A great introduction if you never been exposed to Spring, and a even better reminder of why Spring Beans exists in the first place!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our NewsCast
Java Off Heap

We thank Codeship for being a Sponsor of the show! Need Continuous Delivery made simple? Check! And use code JAVAPUB20 for a 20% discount!

Twitter! (@fguime) (thanks!)

Ok, so now is allergy season, and I heard beer with honey is good for you. Or better yet, beer made of honey (Mead!)

Episode 48. Let’s get Groovy with GRADLE in JAVA!

Strike 1, Strike 2, and STRIKE 3! We cover the last of the build tools, GRADLE. It’s hip, it’s cool, it wears a cool leather jacket and rides around on a great motorcycle. The last of the build tools, it has learned from prior mistakes and has combined the best of Ant and Maven into one groovy package. Learn about the last of the build tools, and when to really use it!


We thank Codeship for being a Sponsor of the show! Need Continuous Delivery made simple? Check! And use code JAVAPUB20 for a 20% discount!


Twitter! (@fguime) (thanks!)

It’s now cold, oh, how I wish for a beer? (Have any?)

Episode 39. Do I really have to database it?

It happens all the time, you are working and suddenly you need to database an object. And maybe you have a fancy O/R Mapper or something like that, but we seldom ask ‘do we really need this in a relational format?’. There are actual alternatives (from byte serialization to xml, to, oh, my, NoSql databases). Here we explore the reasons why you may want to skip the Object Relational mapping and concentrate more on ease of development!

Twitter! (@fguime) (thanks!)

Hey it’s Freaking HOT outside! beer…beer…beeeeeer…..:)

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Episode 33. Does code dream when it hibernates? A quick look on the big things of Hibernate

Databases have been around forever! (or at least from the 1970s) and there are many things that try to hook Object Objected Programming with Relational Databases (namely, O/R mappers). Hibernate is the most known O/R mapper and, while effective sometimes it can be confusing. In this podcast we delve on how to understand our misunderstood friend, and finally fix those pesky weird Hibernate exceptions once and for all!
If you just joined us, remember to follow me on Twitter! (@fguime)
and, well, it is Xmas! if you feel generous, and like what you hear, treat me a beer!

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Hibernate Mappings (Annotations)
Hibernate Mappings (Annotation Cheat Sheet)
Hibernate Mappings (on hbm)
Database Normalization
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Episode 28. Extra! Extra! JMS Delivering Messages to your App! Extra! Extra!

Episode 28. Extra! Extra! JMS Delivering Messages to your App! Extra! Extra! —-
Java Message Service (or JMS for short) is a collection of APIs and implementations that allows you to send “messages” across your applcation. But why is it so popular?, and what exactly is it trying to solve (what is a message anyways)? In this episode, we take our bycicle, and trace the delivery route of JMS to figure out the good, and avoid some JMS potholes along the way, making for a smooth message delivery experience!


Beer of the Episode: Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy
|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy
|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|

It’s SUMMER! If you like what you hear, DEFINITIVELY, treat me a beer ! 🙂 (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂

|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy
|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|

Tweet, Tweet! (!/fguime)
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Intro to JMS Concepts
Apache ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ Language Clients (ActionScript, Ajax, C, C++, C#, .Net, Delphi, Erlang, Flash, Haskell, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Pike, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, Websockets)
JMS Description and Implementation
Embed ActiveMQ Broker in code
JMS Tutorial
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Hey! if you like what you hear, treat me a beer! (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂


Episode 27. There’s a Log File in the folder in the middle of the App

(Sing to the children’s song There’s a hole in the middle of the sea)
Logging is part of everyday production debugging life. If you ever had to troubleshoot a production application, the you most likely have looked at log files. These log files can either be a salvation, or an inmense source of frustration. In this podcast we delve into the different logging frameworks, and more importantly, what to log and not to log (and how to log it).

|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Beer! (or Mai Tais!)
|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|

It’s SUMMER! If you like what you hear, DEFINITIVELY, treat me a beer ! 🙂 (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂
|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Beer! (or Mai Tais!)
|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|

Tweet, Tweet! (!/fguime) Java Logging Framework
SLF4J (The facade framework
Java Logging API
The linux utilities for windows! (Cygwin)
Grep! Grep grepping grep!
More Grep
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Episode 20. Excuse me, do you know what Date it is, or what Date is? A discussion about Date and Calendar in Java

In this podcast we turn and talk of that embarassing uncle that every API has (, you know, the one that you have to live with because is family, but don’t really like that much? We dive into what to avoid when using Date (and Calendar), and the most common pitfalls that we have falled for (1000*60*60*24 anyone?). In all, if you have used date extensively you probably already migrated to JodaTime, but if you are a casual user, then take a listen, just to make sure you are not bitten by the Date traps!

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Episode 18. Ahh, the perils of Serialization and Deserialization in Java

We all have the need to serialize/deserialize objects (either through the “wire” or to file). In this podcast we go and analyze what exactly happens when we create an ObjectOutputStream and write to it, and more importantly what pitfalls are there to avoid (Out ot memory errors, stale object updates, Not Serializable Exceptions, and toenail fungus!). If you ever considered using ObjectOutput/InputStream, or are actively using in your current projects, take a listen! (Serialization performance comparison for Java, pick one!)

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