
Episode 28. Extra! Extra! JMS Delivering Messages to your App! Extra! Extra!

Episode 28. Extra! Extra! JMS Delivering Messages to your App! Extra! Extra! —-
Java Message Service (or JMS for short) is a collection of APIs and implementations that allows you to send “messages” across your applcation. But why is it so popular?, and what exactly is it trying to solve (what is a message anyways)? In this episode, we take our bycicle, and trace the delivery route of JMS to figure out the good, and avoid some JMS potholes along the way, making for a smooth message delivery experience!


Beer of the Episode: Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy
|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy
|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|

It’s SUMMER! If you like what you hear, DEFINITIVELY, treat me a beer ! 🙂 (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂

|~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P |~|P Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy
|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|

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Enterprise Integration Patterns
Intro to JMS Concepts
Apache ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ Language Clients (ActionScript, Ajax, C, C++, C#, .Net, Delphi, Erlang, Flash, Haskell, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Pike, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, Websockets)
JMS Description and Implementation
Embed ActiveMQ Broker in code
JMS Tutorial
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Episode 26. I take Exception to that statement! A quick overview of Exception quirkiness

As developers, we have to deal with Exceptions every day (or at least every other day). In this episode we dive a bit on exception (and exception handling), plus we talk about certain behaviors that are not so well-understood (try returning from a finally block, or why exception stack traces sometimes misteriously disappears). A good review for those who already know, and a great primer for those diving into Exceptions, this episode is sure to show some surprises!

(~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (Beer) (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P

It’s SUMMER! If you like what you hear, DEFINITIVELY, treat me a beer ! 🙂 (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂

(~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (Beer) (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P

Tweet, Tweet! (!/fguime) Try-with-resources construct
Exception Definition
Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions Debate
More Exception Debates from C vs C++, still a useful read.
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Episode 25. Reflection and vampire classes, and compiling Java from within Java.

We have heard the word “Reflection” thrown around, what does it mean? it is a new Twilight series? is it about Vampires? In all, we shed sunlight into what reflection is (and more importantly why in the world you want to use it). And also cover a technique to compile and load programs within your program. Javascript guys had access to this by doing eval(“your program here”), and while Java doesn’t have an eval function, there are ways of achieving similar results (and very specific reasons to do this crazy technique. Mostly performance)

It’s SUMMER! If you like what you hear, DEFINITIVELY, treat me a beer ! 🙂 (It’s the Java pub house after all 🙂

Nimbus code to get the dang CacheMode (considered a private variable)

public class ButtonPainter extends AbstractRegionPainter {
    public ButtonPainter() {

        Class<?> c = null;
        PaintContext ctx = new PaintContext(new Insets(0,0,0,0), new Dimension(100,100), false, null, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 2.0 );

        try {
            c = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter$PaintContext$CacheMode");
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        if (c != null) {
            Object cacheMode = c.getEnumConstants()[2];   // NINE_SQUARE_SCALE
            for (Field field : ctx.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
                if (c.getName().equals(field.getType().getName())) {        // if Field is the CacheMode
                    try {
                        // the following lines would not be necessary for example if
                        // AbstractRegionPainter.cacheMode were protected or public.

                        field.setAccessible(true);                          // make it accessible so that we can set it
                        field.set(ctx, cacheMode);                          // set the cachemode
                        // this is equivalent as sayin "ctx.cacheMode = CacheMode.NINE_SQUARE_SCALE" if it were public/protected
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {


    protected PaintContext getPaintContext() {
        return null;  //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

    protected void doPaint(Graphics2D g, JComponent c, int width, int height, Object[] extendedCacheKeys) {
        //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

Code to get instance from a source file

    public static Object getInstanceForSource(String className, String sourceForRule) {
        String filename = "tmp/" + className + ".java";
        File file = new File(filename);
        writeFile(filename, sourceForRule);    
        String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
        String[] args = new String[]{
                "-classpath", classPath,

        StringWriter compilerOutput = new StringWriter();
        int status =,new PrintWriter(compilerOutput));
        additionalInfo.value = compilerOutput.toString();
        switch (status) {
            case 0:  // OK
                // Make the class file temporary as well
                File classFile = new File("./tmp/");
                try {
                    // Try to access the class and run its main method
                    URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {classFile.toURI().toURL()});
                    Class clazz = loader.loadClass(className);
                    return clazz.newInstance();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    additionalInfo.value = "Exception in main: " + Utilities.exceptionToString(ex)+"n"+additionalInfo.value;
            case 1:
                System.out.println ("Status: Error" +"n"+additionalInfo.value);
            case 2:
                System.out.println ("Status: CMDERR" +"n"+additionalInfo.value);
            case 3:
                System.out.println ("Status: SYSERR" +"n"+additionalInfo.value);
            case 4:
                System.out.println ("Status: ABNORMAL" +"n"+additionalInfo.value);
                System.out.println ("Status: UNKNOWN" +"n"+additionalInfo.value);
        return null;

    public static void writeFile(String fileName, String content) {
        Writer writer;
        File file = new File(fileName);
        try {
            writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
        } catch (IOException e) {
           System.out.println ("I/O exception "+e);


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Reflection ‘trail’
Create dynamic applications with
URLClassLoaders (loads .class files generated
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Episode 24. Usability for Engineers. A simple way to achieve usability for the hardcore engineer

Designers will come to you, and say “Hm, I think your program is not as user-friendly”. And sometimes, when you ask them to elaborate, they seem to follow a hidden and cryptic ritual. They are right, yet, is hard to see how did they come up with those usability suggestion. Alas, behind every usability magician, there is a magic trick! and on this podcast we reveal in plain sight what makes interfaces usable (and quote a lot from Alan Cooper’s book). Once you see the trick, you would never be daunted on spotting usability yourself, and making things much more usable before passing them on. Usability magic for all of us!

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The immates are running the asylum (Alan Cooper)
Don’t make me think

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Episode 20. Excuse me, do you know what Date it is, or what Date is? A discussion about Date and Calendar in Java

In this podcast we turn and talk of that embarassing uncle that every API has (, you know, the one that you have to live with because is family, but don’t really like that much? We dive into what to avoid when using Date (and Calendar), and the most common pitfalls that we have falled for (1000*60*60*24 anyone?). In all, if you have used date extensively you probably already migrated to JodaTime, but if you are a casual user, then take a listen, just to make sure you are not bitten by the Date traps!

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Episode 19. But Wait, there’s more! SerialVersionUID! XMLEncoder/Decoder! Java Beans!

Episode 19. But Wait, there’s more! SerialVersionUID! XMLEncoder/Decoder! Java Beans!

We finish our discussion on the ObjectOutputStream by covering the SerialVersionUID, and then move onto ObjectOutputStream’s citadine cousin, XMLEncoder and Decoder (and why would you go and hang out with it). We also make a quick introduction to “The Bean” (Java Beans that is), and discover there isn’t too much to it. If you are persisting and/or transmitting, listen to the shocking conclusion (gasp!) of serialization!

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Episode 18. Ahh, the perils of Serialization and Deserialization in Java

We all have the need to serialize/deserialize objects (either through the “wire” or to file). In this podcast we go and analyze what exactly happens when we create an ObjectOutputStream and write to it, and more importantly what pitfalls are there to avoid (Out ot memory errors, stale object updates, Not Serializable Exceptions, and toenail fungus!). If you ever considered using ObjectOutput/InputStream, or are actively using in your current projects, take a listen! (Serialization performance comparison for Java, pick one!)

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Episode 17. What is beauty? A discussion about beautiful code

Every developer at one point in time runs into the question, what is beautiful code? Is it code that is expressed concisely? is it code that does a lot in a few lines of code. Well, while we’re not the DeveloperPeople’s magazine at least there are fundamental concepts that describe code beauty. And while there isn’t a consensus (what is beauty anyways), at least there is a baseline for code that is not ugly (hint. It’s maintainable). At least a conversation starter, this podcast covers the very minimum that code has to be to not be ugly!



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Episode 16. Let’s talk about the STATE of things. A brief intro to the State pattern

The State pattern is very useful, it’s just hard to spot, and at the beginning a little hard to understand. On this podcast we cover the state pattern with a specific example of its use, plus tips on how to spot when to use it (really that’s the hardest part of the state pattern). Check this podcast out, and add another pattern to your toolkit!



State Pattern (


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Episode 12. Giving the Model a Controlling View (The Model-View-Controller pattern)

In this podcast we talk about the Model-View-Controller pattern (and is prettier cousin, the Model-View-Presenter), and go over how to go about implementing the MVC/MVP Pattern (really, what to instantiate first, and how to wire the whole thing). We also cover the caveats of implementing the MVC, including escaped references in construction, and making the view alway update from the model state. Lastly we talk about where to store view information (such as window size and colors, etc. Hint: not in the model). In all, if you ever needed to touch MVC code, this will help you light the path to awesome interaction! (and ease of unit testing) (Google reference to the MVP pattern)

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