Episode 36. An Intro to Multithreading Programming

This is a presentation I did for the Chicago Java Users Group on the topic of multithreading. There are some solid foundations in here to start tackling multithreading programming. Some of it might’ve been already been seen in depth from our other episodes, but in all, it has good foundations for anyone that does multithreading programming.

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3 comments on Episode 36. An Intro to Multithreading Programming

  1. Unknown says:

    Hi Freddy,
    thank you very much for this and all the other your podcasts!

    This podcast has some really very quiet parts. I made those a little louder – please find link here – https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2_AYHkRJL5idnZHQXJEcGlNOUE/edit?usp=sharing


  2. Freddy Guime says:

    Thanks for the update! didn't know the sound dipped so much (it was a live recording). For those who want to re-download it follow the above link.

    Thanks, and keep listening!

  3. Eugene Hill says:

    Thanks For Podcast…!!!! Useful for java backend development

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