Episode 40. Don’t you hate when static gives you an unexpected jolt? (Discussion on static methods,classes, and inner classes)
So you have programmed for a while, and may even never realized that you have been using them, but there are static methods (which in turn can create static classes), inner classes and static inner classes. Sometimes is hard to understand why or when to use these, but never fear! After listening to this episode...
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Episode 37. Of Bits and Masks and Bytes and Trees and Games
Have you ever wonder how bit masking work (or what is that?) and why do you need it? Or why a tree structure exists? (or what is breadth first vs depth first), or what are game trees? We put our Computer Science hat and go “depth first” in some fundamental compsci concepts, and, more importantly...
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Episode 36. An Intro to Multithreading Programming
This is a presentation I did for the Chicago Java Users Group on the topic of multithreading. There are some solid foundations in here to start tackling multithreading programming. Some of it might’ve been already been seen in depth from our other episodes, but in all, it has good foundations for anyone that does multithreading...
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Episode 35. Recursion, Doubles and Strings (A little for everyone!)
You remember recursion right? that ugly, confusing thing they made you do either on CS-300, or at job interviews. Have you ever wondered how to make it safe and right? and why do we really use recursion? In this episode we go into proper recursion programming (and lose the fear of making it wrong), and...
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Episode 33. Does code dream when it hibernates? A quick look on the big things of Hibernate
Databases have been around forever! (or at least from the 1970s) and there are many things that try to hook Object Objected Programming with Relational Databases (namely, O/R mappers). Hibernate is the most known O/R mapper and, while effective sometimes it can be confusing. In this podcast we delve on how to understand our misunderstood...
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Episode 31. Know your bounds! Generic bounds that is (a story that extends super!)
Big shout-out to everyone I met at JavaOne (including some avid podcast listeners!). Thanks for listening and for a great time down at JavaOne! Don’t worry, we will be sharing all the stuff I learned on new episodes of the podcast. It is also our Birthday (We have been airing episodes for a year!)! Happy...
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Episode 30. I always thought Generics were as good as brand name Erasers (Java Generics part 1)
Hi there! Finally back on a (hopefully) standard schedule. I have been moving a house with three kids, two cats, one wife, one dog, and one grandma (they are heavy!, just kidding!) and just found the box with the podcast equipment! we hit the ground running with Generics. What are the benefits (and potential pitfalls)...
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Episode 29. Scope (or how far away can you call), Inheritance, marker interfaces, and overrides!
Episode 29. Scope (or how far away can you call), Inheritance, marker interfaces, and overrides! —- We go and visit the Primordial Java Concepts. As rules set in stone we explore the concept of multiple inheritance, method and variable scope (including the final keyword), abstract methods and @override. This is good for those starting up...
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Episode 28. Extra! Extra! JMS Delivering Messages to your App! Extra! Extra!
Episode 28. Extra! Extra! JMS Delivering Messages to your App! Extra! Extra! —- Java Message Service (or JMS for short) is a collection of APIs and implementations that allows you to send “messages” across your applcation. But why is it so popular?, and what exactly is it trying to solve (what is a message anyways)?...
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Episode 26. I take Exception to that statement! A quick overview of Exception quirkiness
As developers, we have to deal with Exceptions every day (or at least every other day). In this episode we dive a bit on exception (and exception handling), plus we talk about certain behaviors that are not so well-understood (try returning from a finally block, or why exception stack traces sometimes misteriously disappears). A good...
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Episode 25. Reflection and vampire classes, and compiling Java from within Java.
We have heard the word “Reflection” thrown around, what does it mean? it is a new Twilight series? is it about Vampires? In all, we shed sunlight into what reflection is (and more importantly why in the world you want to use it). And also cover a technique to compile and load programs within your...
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Episode 24. Usability for Engineers. A simple way to achieve usability for the hardcore engineer
Designers will come to you, and say “Hm, I think your program is not as user-friendly”. And sometimes, when you ask them to elaborate, they seem to follow a hidden and cryptic ritual. They are right, yet, is hard to see how did they come up with those usability suggestion. Alas, behind every usability magician,...
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