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Episode 94. Oh, put on your hat Dr. Watson, we are sleuthing this Heap Dump

So it happens. Sometimes a Java program just “dies” with the dreaded Out-of-memory Exception. Sometimes, it leaves behind a “heap dump”, or a copy of what the Java program had in memory when just before it throw the Out-of-memory exception. For some devs, a heap dump is stressful, because they think is a black box...

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Episode 93. Not your Grandpa’s Serialization Part DEUX!

We’re back! and now we move to the new-fangled serialization and deserialization frameworks, starting with Protobufs! Google’s contribution to the serialization space, Protobuf V3 makes it easy to create a very efficient on-the-wire serialized representation of objects, and then some. With the ability to have both backwards and forward compatible changes, protobufs is a great...

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Episode 92. Not your Grandpa’s Serialization!

Ah, Serialization… the bane of every Java Developer! If you are still using ObjectOutputStream, and Serializable, then you do want to listen to this episode! We move past the objectoutputstreams to what most people are running into these days! (Starting with 2001 and JaxB… and then moving forward from there to Json, and in Part...

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Episode 91. OracleJDK? OpenJDK?, Zulu? Corretto? So many!

So just in case you didn’t know, but being a Java developer is as fun as ever! The ecosystem has been changing from the past year, and today, we have “tons” of Java Developer Kits to choose from. Want to know what happened? And want to know how different they are? (or what do they...

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Episode 90. Let’s get Recording (AND VIDEO!)

Java 14 is out! And with it, we now have a preview of Java Records! We go over this newfangled feature… and get this… we finally did it! We actually recorded our first Video Podcast (Woohoo!). A great episode Number as well (episode 90) to start the road to Video (I know, I know, very...

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Episode 89. Kubernetes! (Oh container orchestration)

You heard it going around, everybody is talking about Kubernetes, and Minikube, when using Docker, and CLI. It’s like a foreign language! While we know Java very well, with the advent of Devops, we are supposed to be Deployers, and Scalability Experts. Well, once you start going down this episode you’ll become the DevOps Hero...

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Episode 88. Logging! (An Interview w/Renaud from DataDog)

One of the first things that you learn to appreciate when you transition programming from hobby to a way of life is to find a good way to troubleshoot problems. Most of the time this means logging and monitoring, so for this episode we decided to interview Renaud Boutet who is DataDog’s VP of Product...

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Episode 87. Ok, it’s time to get Reactive!

It’s that Streaming-new-deal that has been taken over the web world, Reactive! You’ve heard about it, and maybe even tried to learn it a couple of times but find it confusing? Well, be confused no more since on this episode Bob and I explore the basic foundations of Reactive (and explain what is that makes...

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Episode 86. Move Over Slow Startup times, GraalVM…IS…HERE. (and cross-language support, and less memory footprint…)

Oh my! This episode is going to be one of our favorites. There are times where the Java ecosystem delivers something incredibly interesting (InvokeDynamic, Lambdas, Streams, Kotlin), and this episode is one of those! You may have heard it mentioned around the interwebs or conferences (this new GraalVM thing)… well, it’s here to stay and...

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Episode 85. Monitor the World with JMX!

There are technologies that sometimes are forgotten in a lonely corner, but that actually are quite sturdy. One of these is the All-Powerful Java Management Extensions (also known as JMX). With JMX you can actually expose a lot of metrics of your application and TONS of libraries use it “out of the box”. Libraries like...

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